Male gland pain is something no man wants to experience, and rightly so. While it may be tempting to ignore the pain, it may indicate a serious problem, so consider a trip to the doctor.
By now,Men’s Reproductive Health Matters – Causes of Pain in the Male Glands Articles men are all too familiar with unpleasant pain to the boys below the belt. Whether it is from a sports injury, an accidental nut shot when playing with one’s nephew, or even the dreaded blue balls – yes, that is a real thing – male gland pain is no fun. What happens when the boys are aching and there is no known cause for it? Learn about some common causes for male gland pain that don’t include stepping on a rake, or catching a soccer ball to the pelvis when not wearing a cup, and tips for maintaining male gland and male organ health.
Tender Male Glands: Common Causes for Pain
The male organ and male glands are by far the most sensitive area on a man’s body. This sensitivity can work to a man’s advantage – as in the case of intimacy – or completely debilitate him – as in the case of a sudden injury. Here are a couple of reasons ones berries might burn, ache, or otherwise hurt.
Male Gland Torsion
About as unpleasant as it sounds, male gland torsion occurs when one of the male glands becomes twisted, or rotated within the sac. Ouch. This is a dangerous condition, as the cord that supplies blood to the male gland twists and can even cut off the blood supply to the male gland. In some cases, the male gland untwists on its own, but in other cases surgery may be needed to correct the problem. A man suffering from the condition will experience sudden, severe pain in the male gland region and possibly a low-grade fever. The condition requires immediate treatment as a loss of blood from the area for too long can cause sterility or even loss of the male gland. This condition most commonly occurs in men who have a congenital malformation called bell-clapper deformity, in which the balls freely move within the sac making it more likely to become twisted. The only preventative measure is to have surgery to secure the male glands in the sac to prevent rotation.
Perhaps the most common reason for male gland pain, epididymitis is a condition in which pain occurs in the back of the male gland (or epididymis) where the male seed is stored; the condition can be acute or chronic. In the case of sudden onset or acute pain, the male glands may be red, swollen, and warm to the touch. Whereas in chronic epididymitis — that which lasts for more than six weeks – it is possible for the only symptom to be pain. The ball sac may swell or harden during an episode and the pain can last from an hour or less to several days. In some cases, the pain may also travel up to the abdomen as the nerve pathways are nearby. Epididymitis may be mistaken for a hernia, but an ultrasound of the abdomen and male sac will help the doctor diagnose the condition properly.
Inguinal Hernia
A hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak area of the abdominal muscles. The hernia appears as a bulge in the low